Wonder Woman Deploys Transformers At “Middle-America Super Bible-Beaters”

9 06 2009

I’m not a stalker and I’m not violent.

But ever since I saw Megan Fox, I’ve wanted to hunt her down and club her like a cavewoman.

Let me clarify.

I don’t really want to club her like a cavewoman…that sounds misogynistic and weird.  What I mean is I want to club her like a caveman who bonked sexy cavewomen over the head and dragged them by the hair back to their caves.

Seriously, where the f*** does she get off looking like that?

Anyways, she’s said some pretty interesting things lately like wanting to strangle a mountain-ox with her bare hands because certain women were so darned appealing to her…

This is good for at least two reasons and especially because, I’m guessing she’ll totally understand the good-natured club to the dome.

Fox, a tolerant Tennessee girl went after you throwback conservatives and judging by her comment, it’s almost like she’s asking for it!

Newsbusters has the dish:

When asked how she would stop the ruthless Megatron from demolishing the world, Fox first said that she would “barter with him.” She then, however, went on to say, “… and instead of the entire planet, can you just take out all of the white trash, hillbilly, anti-gay, super bible-beating people in Middle America?”

Ugh.  You can try to make me hate you Megan, but it’s gonna take a lot more than that.





I’m not sure about that zombie in the background, but Egotastic.com has tons of Megan Fox photos if you can stand it.



6 responses

10 06 2009

You can try to make me hate you Megan, but it’s gonna take a lot more than that.

Ok, that made me laugh.

10 06 2009

Megan Fox is hot, and perhaps stupid, but still hot.

David Letterman is not hot, definitely stupid, and a pig.

10 06 2009

Yeah, why can’t we get megatron to do that?

11 06 2009

What’s wrong with getting rid of the bible-bashing wingnuttions?

12 06 2009
AWFJ Women On Film - The Week In Women, June 12, 2009 - MaryAnn Johanson - Alliance of Women Film Journalists -

[…] there was Adam Eisenberg, who blogs at OutOfTheBlu, who said this about actreess Megan Fox (Transformers): I’m not a stalker and I’m not […]

23 06 2009

how does maryAnn johanson know that you’re not a pig in real life?

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